Nonviolence News is a labor of love put together by Activist/Author Rivera Sun. She pours dozens of hours each week into collecting and sharing these inspiring stories. Keep her caffeinated by making a donation of any amount. (Please note: Rising Sun Media, Inc. handles the donations – that’s us!)
Want to make a snail mail donation? Make a check out to Nonviolence News, Inc. and send it to:
Nonviolence News, Inc.
c/o Rivera Sun
PO Box 81
Grand Isle, ME, 04746

Note from Rivera Sun: What does it take to publish Nonviolence News? It’s a BIG job! I read over 40 different periodicals each week. I spend hours doing specialized searches for hard-to-find stories. I pour a ton of love into creating the weekly enewsletter and sending it to our ever-growing (!) email list. Behind the scenes, Nonviolence News also provides content for a network of other publications, sharing links and news items, recommending nonviolent action stories to researchers who track these case studies, and sending the weekly round-up to peace and justice organization, and progressive news outlets to repost. All this is to say, in short, support Nonviolence News! It does AMAZING work. And I pour my heart and soul into this work, so thank you for keeping the lights on, the tea hot, and the roof over my head. With gratitude, Rivera Sun