Each week, Nonviolence News brings 30-50 stories of “nonviolence in action” to readers, illuminating the scale and scope of how nonviolence is actively shaping our world. The weekly enewsletter shows the hopeful, courageous, and inspiring ways people are changing the narrative, culture, society, and politics across the globe. We cover stories on environmental, racial, economic, and social justice. We share working models of nonviolent alternatives. We spotlight individual acts of bravery and kindness. We explore how ordinary people are making extraordinary change.
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History: Nonviolence News was started in Spring 2019 by Rivera Sun. Nonviolence is used on a far vaster scale – and far more frequently – than most people imagine. It is literally changing our world and shaping our lives every single day. By collecting an impressive round-up of stories, Nonviolence News shows readers what’s happening. It gives us a different sense of the size and effectiveness of nonviolence in action. No longer a fringe element, nonviolence is increasingly being portrayed as the powerful force it truly is: ordinary and extraordinary all at once.
Impact: Nonviolence News produces a weekly enewsletter with 30-50 stories. These highlight social justice issues, creative actions, effective solutions, and upcoming actions from around the world. Nonviolence News also provides content for a network of other publications, sharing links and news items, recommending nonviolent action stories to researchers who track these case studies, and sending the weekly round-up to peace and justice organization, and progressive news outlets to repost.
Collaboration: Nonviolence News is a sister project to Nonviolence Now, an effort to collect and share true stories of nonviolence in action. The Nonviolence Now project works to make the media landscape a healthier, more positive space, especially for young people who spend a high percentage of time online. We want to interrupt business as usual, especially online, where materialism and violence are actively promoted, by instead promoting nonviolence and its capacity to create a healthier, viable future. Learn more about this project at https://gandhiinstitute.org/nonviolencenow/
Support: Nonviolence News is supported by the Fenwick Foundation and by readers like you.
About Rivera Sun, Editor: Activist/Author Rivera Sun has written numerous books and novels, including The Dandelion Insurrection and The Way Between. Her study guide to nonviolent action is used by activist groups and university courses. She is a nationwide trainer in strategy for nonviolent movements. Her essays on nonviolence and social justice issues have appeared in hundreds of journals. www.riverasun.com